『モダン・ファミリー』ジェシー・タイラー・ファーガソンと夫が第一子のパパに! – 海外ドラマ


人気ファミリードラマ『モダン・ファミリー』で、11シーズンにわたり弁護士のミッチェル・プリチェットを演じたジェシー・タイラー・ファーガソンと夫が第一子を迎えたことが明らかとなった。米Entertainment Weeklyが報じている。


今年1月にジェシーが米バラエティ番組『The Late Late Show』に出演した際、司会のジェームズ・コーデンとゲストとして登場していたチャーリー・ハナム(『サン・オブ・アナーキー』)に赤ちゃんが誕生することを報告。「まだ誰にも伝えてなかったんだけど、僕たち3人と観客のみんなの秘密にできるなら言うけど、実は7月に夫と一緒に赤ちゃんを迎えるんだ」と明かしていたそうだ。



Justin Mikita(@justinmikita)がシェアした投稿 -



Time flies. 11 glorious years. I'll never forget watching the pilot the day after it aired on Sept 24, 2009 in the afternoon in between studying for my constitutional law class. I had been completely decimated from the 2008 November election when Prop 8 passed in CA, barring same sex marriage. My best girlfriend Jen told me I just had to take a break from studying and watch Modern Family. I had been in a state somewhere between a) how could my state, the most liberal state?!, vote against my right to love AND b) how incredible that I just watched the first African American man be elected POTUS. Right after I watched the pilot I went to the gym - a respite I rarely granted myself during law school as studying was much more important for me (& necessary). I was feeling energized from this quirky little show that had the most incredible representation of a queer family in the dynamics of a larger mixed family that reminded me so much of my own. Plus, that ending! The pilot will always be with me. Then, right before my eyes, was @jessetyler. I seized the opportunity & I gushed about how important this show and this representation was for the queer community especially then, in 2009. He surprisingly gushed back, being kind and engaging me in conversation. The rest, as they say, is history. Modern Family's last episode airs April 8. Love you guys! Thanks for 11 years of laughs & love.

Justin Mikita(@justinmikita)がシェアした投稿 -





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